Saturday, 31 August 2019

Links to China Southern Airlines Spreadsheet and Annual Reports

Please click on the following links for CSA's spreadsheet, annual reports and steps 3-5 and 7-8:


  1. Feedback From: Maria Alejandra Cifuentes Moreno,
    Feedback To: Sharon Field,
    My Comments
    Step 1
    KCQs I find you had I nice structure on how to write KCQs, you used very good ideas about the reality in a company and the framework that we are going to use in our assessments. You had a very good understanding of. You made very nice comments about the economic profit and I think you know where you are going with the past.
    Step 2
    KCQs Excellent explanation of the 5 Ps, I liked the way you talked about each of them. I saw you had some doubts about some of the concepts that were explained in the study guide, but I think you cope well explaining them in your way. You recall some of the previous concepts we leant in the past and was nice to read your opinion about it. As for Chapter 3 you used a lot of formulas which is very nice that you use them to explain a situation and how you can understand them. You had very good comments about each formula and you feel about them.
    Step 3
    Background information on company
    Comments on other’s blogs You had a nice little touch giving a brief story about your firm. I guess working with Airlines must be a nice work and also look at their numbers and compare with the competitors. You found a good background in your firm.
    As for the annual reports I found that you really went through them, you spend a lot of time thinking and reading about them. Very good comments about your firm. You just didn’t look at the numbers they had but also analyse deeper into reading more and more in the financial statements. Very good work.
    Did not see comments to others.
    Step 4
    Input company’s financial statements I found optimum the way that you included your spreadsheet in the blog for everyone be able to comment easier on it. Good approach to be able to receive quicker feedback. I see that your current and non-current assets and liabilities are not separated which make it hard to calculate some of the ratios. In my opinion you had very good classification between operating and financing as well. All seems good to me. All formulas are in place and very good organisation.
    Step 5
    Restated Income statement
    Restated Balance sheet
    Commentary & discussion with others I see that the numbers matched the NOA with the NFO+equity and the OI with the comprehensive income. All items seem to be placed correctly. You have separated the cash correctly; however, I cannot see the % you use, maybe just you some decimals or % sign to see it better.
    Step 6
    KCQs I enjoyed reading you KCQs because they were easy to follow. I found that the way that you gave comments and explain concepts was optimum.
    I also saw some of the problems you had restating the financial statements and how you approached those issues. However, I think you can include them in Step 5
    Step 7
    Calculation of ratios Not done yet
    Overall ASS#1 Good

  2. Thanks Maria, I really appreciate the feedback!

  3. I have been experimenting with providing external links to my personal excel spreadsheet using Google drive and One drive. I think Onedrive is a little easy to use as I can create a new link for the updated excel file in a couple of clicks with the file in view. Google Drive is a little more complicated but would be useful if I needed realtime file sharing, which allows myself and others to edit my work as changes to the files are made.
