Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Step 6

Peer feedback

Peer feedback is so important. I interact with people in all sorts of ways to talk about what I’m learning in accounting but by far the most valuable conversations are with my fellow accounting students. Reading people’s blogs is most interesting. Danielle Bradley’s is one of my top 3, followed by Kate Edwards and Anna Towan. I have incorporated there insights into my own. I raised the issue of trust with Danielle and her response highlighted how companies build trust through internal and external controls. I also have regular discussions with Anna Towan about simple foundational definitions such as expenses are results in the decrease in equity from decreases in assets and increases in liabilities and revenues are resulted from increases in equity from increases in assets and decreases in liabilities. Conversations in class discussing the different names of statements such as consolidation reports and comprehensive income reports that are in fact variations of the same thing. These help cement my comprehension of what’s happening in the financial statements and ultimately the Trial Balance. Revenue and expenses are matched for a period of time. It all comes down to the assumptions and judgments a company uses when thinking about the realization of future economic benefits. After all this the very reason they are in business.
The feedback I received helped correct errors and improve the way I wrote this assignment. Donna Condon suggested I expand my company background and include pictures. I really think the pictures help tell the story. I have also taken her advice to relate to my personal experiences. My previous company, Contact Energy, is a completely different industry to aviation and I find it difficult to relate, on some levels; however, the concepts are similar, the strategies are different. So I have included some comparisons at the last minute. This has been a grueling exercise but I do like how it is broken up into manageable size pieces, much like the Trial Balance organizes its accounts!!!
Feedback is so valuable, I realise how much I have learnt from others just by interacting. My excel skills have improved as has my use of social media and my accounting skills are dramatically improved! I think I’m starting to have some fun with accounting and it is not such a daunting task when there are peers to support you.

Anna Towan
2591 pts.
1 week ago
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·         6
Just finished a few minutes ago from the interactive session and learned quite a few valuable things. One thing I learned is that when we understand how our firms interconnect e.g. Balance Sheet connecting with equity and how the financial statements interconnect, we'll be set. I think Lois or maybe Maria pointed this out. I find this information valuable because it has solidified my thoughts that were all over the place like a piece of the puzzle was missing and now it's found. Also, revenue and expenses are temporary accounts while the others such as Balance Sheet is permanent. Which makes so much sense. Anyways, what did you learn if you joined this morning? (2 Aug)
1 week ago
We were put on the spot in the tutorial and asked to define an expense. I'm embarrassed to admit my mental recollection was vague at best. So the study guide definition, which I still constantly refer to is รข€˜decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or depletions of assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decreases in equity'. This is all subject to assumptions and judgement we make as to how the item is use and how the cost is incurred. I'm constantly amazed in the little foundational building blocks we need to have a better grasp of in order to build on.
1 week ago
Some definitions are a mouthful. Found a shorter definition, expense: An expense is the reduction in value of an asset as it is used to generate revenue. https://www.accountingtools.com/articles/2017/5/6/expense
1 week ago
Brilliant! Just need to remember the definitions for the other 4 elements
1 week ago
LOL! I wonder what exam week will be like. It's been years since sitting an exam
1 week ago
Hi Anna, I've started looking over your step 5 and left some comments on your blog. I absolutely agree Maria's videos are wonderful. Her latest explains the Trial Balance in great detail, I found it invaluable for completing step 5.

Feedback From: Donna Condon                                                
Feedback To: Sharon Field

My Comments
Step 3  
Background information on company


Discussion with others
I really enjoyed reading your Step 3 and I was interested to read that they an Air Craft Engine Manufacturer.  I think it’s great that you discovered that your company is part of bigger group and how they fit into the bigger picture.   I found the background information was written well and contained some interesting information but I thought that you could expand a little more of the background of the company eg:  When was the company foundered and by Who? You could talk about the products your company produces or sells.  Is you company on the Australian Stock Exchange? And you could add few pictures or photos of the company or its products to help your peers connect with your company.  These are only suggestions
I like the fact that you took the time to read the annual report and that you were honest about things you didn’t understand or that confused you.  You could also expend on this part by comparing this term annual report to the company you received last term and commenting on the differences or/and you could compare you annual reports to some of your peers company’s and have a chat about what you and peers have found.
I liked how you have interrupted the financial statements and how you understood that the balance sheet and consolidate statement of changes of equity are interlinked I also loved the way you used the extended accounting equation to work out the consolidated statement of change of equity.  I am a visual person so I need to see it to believe and understand it sometimes.  In regards to overall financial statements I think you could expand on them a little more eg: What was the balance sheet telling you about the company and their performance for the year.  You could also talk about how you had compared your statements and other peer’s financial statements and differences you found between them.   I could not find the discussion or links to your discussions with your peers in your document and maybe you have not updated the document with yet and don’t forget you need to include your thoughts on whether discussing with others either helped or hindered you.
Overall this a step is well written and is on the way to becoming a great step 3.  Well done ๐Ÿ˜Š
Step 4
The recording process
I thought that you had executed the recording process correctly in your excel spreadsheet and you linked your transactions to the income statement correctly.   I could find any errors so well done.  I enjoyed reading how you approached this exercise and the fact that you used your nutrimetics in the transaction as extra income and expenses that was great.  I thought that you answered that questions well. Overall fantastic job ๐Ÿ˜Š
Step 5  
Trial balance
You have completed this exercise but I found it difficult to follow your spreadsheet not sure if you have deleted a few lines so I added new work sheet showing the correct way to presentation the information as the version you gave me had the wrong figures against the wrong headings but overall result was correct so I believe it was an error in formatting your spreadsheet.
I could not find your key concepts and questions and discussions with others on step 5 so made you just forgot to send it to me.
I really enjoyed reading and learning about your company and some of you concerns with the financial statements.  I think one you have fixed up the error in the trial balance and included the discussions with others for both step 3 and 5 will have an excellent assignment. You should be very proud Well done.

ASPIRING ACCOUNTAHOLIC Just a blog detailing my adventures of accounting
Sharon: “A company who is responsible for the major infrastructure of a country must have engaged in some trust building exercises. It will be interesting how these relationships are reflected in the financial reports.”
My Reply: “It’s funny you should mention trust as Martin highlights what an importance concept trust is within business. So I would agree that you are correct. Breedon have obviously taken steps to ensure they have the trust of both the employees within their firm, such as ensuring a high level of safety standards, as well as the broader community. This is evident through their interactions with the community and putting into effect mechanisms to ensure their business does not have a significant negative impact on the wider social, environmental and economic well-being of the areas in which they operate. Moreover, due to Breedon displaying a continual growth in their revenue from their daily operations, as evident in their financial reports, I believe this is highly indicative of the trust they have built both internally and externally.”


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