Wednesday, 9 April 2014

SPA #1 Questions

Here are a few queries from SPA #1, please feel free to assist me with finding the answers!


“No customer ever goes into a store merely to please the store keeper”, is the reverse true?  Is the customer always right? Is customer research an apportioned cost or is it a direct cost related to a specific product?

Is budgeting a form of cost objects with costs allocated?

How are cost objects with attached costs presented? What would it look like in a dark alley?

How does tracking these costs help to minimise the expense to create the reality of maximum revenue?

How do managers decide which costs are not contributing to profit?

Who are the important customers?

What is the difference between economic and profitability performance and why is it important?

How do managers decide what costs are absorbed where?

Stay tuned for these questions and more as I continue studying Decision Making for Accounting!

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